vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013

From my heart

As I wake up from my dream

And I have you by my side
This night sky will always seem
As the one which holds us tight.

Now I feel your presence here
And your heart is next to mine
When you whisper in my ear
Then, my soul begins to shine.

If I hold your hand tomorrow
If I look into your eyes
Then, my heart will feel no sorrow
For we share a thousand smiles.

Now that you are here too
And your hugs are warm and tight
I devote myself to you
When you kiss me in the night.

With a heart that’s full of love
I unite myself with you
And I swear to the sky above
That I’ll always protect you.

As we lie united here
By our love’s protective fire
We will never feel the fear
We’ll be conquered by desire.

All my soul is yours forever
And I give my heart to you
I know now that I can whisper
From my heart, that I love you.

The poet

I have fallen for the poet’s dream     
And his soul for me will always seem
As a touch of light on the dark side of the moon
My heart hopes to meet his very soon.

He has healed my poisoned soul with fire
And replaced all sorrows with desire
Took my hand as night became our fortress
Kissed my heart and left my past speechless.

I was charmed by the breath of the magic
So far, my life has been a little tragic.
Now, I’ve been conquered by the poet’s mystery
As he was tagging with eternal bliss his poetry.

In dreams he holds with care my fragile hand
I wish the time would not elapse like sand
The moon protects us with it’s guardian spirit
The wind carries our words and I can feel it.

He steals my kiss in silence and places it near his heart
He promised that in dreams we’ll never grow apart
As night surrenders to the sun he is prepared to leave
But not before he says goodbye and asks me to believe.

“Believe in life” he whispers and sends a smile to me
“Don’t cry for little things, and happiness you’ll see,
Will come to save your heart from misery and pain
Tomorrow we shall meet in our dream again.”

Exprimarea sentimentelor

Inchid ochii incet, îmbrăţişând cu pleoapele icoana chipului tau ce sta ascunsa in privirile mele.
Inima mea e un izvor de sentimente nobile si tu esti parfumul ce imi imbata gandurile si care ma poarta dincolo de granita melancoliei, in universul luminii.
Atingerea mainii tale naste in mine un sentiment de siguranta. 
Bataile inimii tale imi imbratiseaza emotiile…
Buzele tale imprastie pulbere de fericire peste ale mele si imi poarta sufletul prin vortexul de trairi absolute.
Ce simt pentru tine e mai presus de limita obisnuitului. Se nasc in mine emotii noi, iar sentimentele se amplifica, incorporand cate o picatura din parfumul iubirii pe care mi-l imprastii prin vene.
Glasul tau e precum o simfonie a naturii exprimata cu ajutorul vantului, luminii, marii.
Sunetul respiratiei tale este nota ce deschide cantecul fredonat de sentimentul pasnic al fragedei iubiri.
Cand sunt cu tine, ma simt nespus de aproape de cer.
Tu esti rasaritul si amurgul meu si cand ma imbratisezi, fericirea mea atinge apogeul.

Prima data

Stateam asteptand momentul cand in sfarsit aveam sa te strang in brate pentru prima data. Simteam in mine un fior puternic ce imi stapanea fiecare dimensiune a sufletului.

Mai erau cateva clipe pana sa ajung la locul unde ma asteptai, la fel de nerabdator precum eram si eu. Stiam ca atunci cand iti voi intalni pentru prima data privirea, ochii mei o sa retina icoana chipului tau precum o aminitre eterna.

Am pasit catre tine, fiind invaluita de emotie, fericire…

Stateai asteptand sa imi cuprinzi palmele in mainile tale si sa simti in sfarsit caldura imbratisarii mele pe trupul tau.

Momentul in care trupurile noastre s-au unit prin intermediul primei imbratisari a fost unul extraordinar. Ai simtit bataile accelerate ale inimii mele nebune si insetate de iubire… n-a mai fost nicio indoiala atunci… stiam ca te iubesc… eram sigura ca sentimentele mele pentru tine erau puternice. Mi-am dat seama de puritatea simtamintelor tale, de inocenta ta atunci cand am simtit atingerea suava a respiratiei tale pe gatul meu. Stateam imbratisati sub lumina protectoare a soarelui ce era martora primei intalniri a sufletelor noastre.

Iubite, glasul tau rostindu-mi numele a fost cea mai profunda melodie, cea mai minunata simfonie…

Ochii tai pasnici si plini de entuziasm, in care razele soarelui isi gaseau refugiul, au imprastiat bucurie peste chipul meu si mi-au cucerit privirile de la prima intrevedere.

Te-am iubit din prima clipa si acum stiu ca mereu va fi asa.